Slash: Taming the Beast Perl Conference 5.0 July 2001 Brian Aker & Chris Nandor, OSDN Introductions * Brian Aker * Slash core team * Author of Apache streaming services (mod_mp3) and mod_layout * * * Chris Nandor * Slash core team * Maintainer of MacPerl, writes Perl News column in The Perl Journal, runs Slash-based use Perl ( * * Slash History * Chips & Dips * Slashdot * Andover.Net * Slash Open Source Project * * Slashdot needs * Community needs * VA Linux / OSDN Before & After * Slash 0.2 Code [LINK "poll_02.html" "*"] * Slash was Rob's first perl program :-) * Slash 0.9 * Current code on the site as of January 2000; stable and sturdy, but hard to extend or modify * Slash 1.0 [LINK "poll_10.html" "*"] * Made reasonable for widespread use, released in March 2000, current codebase running on Slashdot * Slash 2.0 [LINK "poll_20.html" "*"] * Total rewrite, cleaning up some significant problems in performance and extensibility * Slash 2.2 * Add new features and performance improvements for Slashdot Taming the Beast * Business Layer * Data Layer * Display Layer * Installation Business Layer: Problems * Hardcoded HTML / text * Interspersed SQL with Perl * Disorganized * Difficult to follow * Global variables * Poorly named variables * Performance of Perl code * Performance of SQL code Business Layer: Solutions I * Break up into smaller components * Slash::DB * Slash::Apache * Slash::Display * Slash::Utility * Remove data assumptions (anonymous user ID) Business Layer: Solutions II * Commit to Apache / mod_perl * Store data using Apache::ModuleConfig * user, form, constants, DB handle, templates * Apache initialization [LINK "sc-init.jpg" "*"] * Breaking up the code into handlers * Request cycle [LINK "sc-req.jpg" "*"] * URI translation * Authentication * Response * Logging Data Layer: Problems * SQL code interspersed with business code * SQL calls not portable * Time calculations * Time formatting * Locking * Sequences * Blobs * Keyword conflicts Data Layer: Solutions * Time formatting moved out to Perl (Date::Manip) * Standardized on SQL * Storing of connection information * Central storage of usernames, passwords, etc. * getDriver() (DBIx::Password) * Security concerns * Inheritance * Slash::DB::Utility * Slash::DB::MySQL * Slash::DB::PostgreSQL * Slash::DB::Oracle Display Layer: Problems * HTML / text interspersed with business code * Hard to move things around * Hard to follow * Hard to edit * Raw perl code in database for eval * Hard to edit for developers * Harder to edit for designers * Insecure Display Layer: Solutions * Template Toolkit * OOP (Slash::Display::Provider) * Actively developed * Fast * Powerful and easy to use (like Perl, but moreso ;-) * slashDisplay() wrapper function * Creates/fetches cached Template object * Does other things we need, behind the scenes * Slash::Display::Plugin provides Slash API to templates * [LINK "template.html" "Example template"] Installation: Problems * Several methods for installing Slash * Required mostly hand-editing and moving of files * Hard to follow and understand for many * Hard to install additional components Installation: Solutions * Added a Makefile to do much of the "easy" stuff * Streamlined INSTALL document * Standardized installation layout and provide Slash::Install module for installing additional plugins, themes, etc. Final * PHP and Perl * Apache is too hard to install * Distributions * Apache Toolbox ( * Support for other languages to plug in to Slash The Future * Make more extensible * Split off more of Slash into plugins * getObject() * Support more output types, including RSS (Slash::XML), WML, ... * More access to API and data via SOAP, RSS, ... * Additional plugins * Internationalization More Information * Slashdot: * Slashcode: * FAQ and Docs: * Mailing lists, source, bugs: * CVS: * IRC: #slash on OPN __END__ __CODE_template__ [% USE Slash %] [% stories = Slash.db.getNewStories(form.section) %] [% INCLUDE titlebar title => Slash.db.getSection(form.section).title %] __CODE_poll_02__ sub pollbooth { my $qid=@_[0]; if(not defined $qid) { ($qid)=getvar("currentqid"); } my $cursor = $dbh->prepare( " SELECT question,answer,aid from pollquestions, pollanswers WHERE pollquestions.qid=pollanswers.qid AND pollquestions.qid='$qid' ORDER BY pollanswers.aid "); $cursor->execute; my ($question, $answer, $aid); my $tablestuff; my $x=0; while (($question, $answer, $aid) = $cursor->fetchrow) { if($x==0) { print "
"; $tablestuff.="$question"; $x++; } $tablestuff.= "
$answer"; } $tablestuff.= "
[ Results | Polls ]
"; slashmod::fancybox(200,"Slashdot Poll",$tablestuff,"c"); $cursor->finish; } __CODE_poll_10__ sub pollbooth { my($qid, $notable) = @_; ($qid) = getvar("currentqid") unless $qid; my $qid_dbi = $I{dbh}->quote($qid); my $qid_htm = stripByMode($qid, 'attribute'); my $cursor = $I{dbh}->prepare_cached(" SELECT question,answer,aid from pollquestions, pollanswers WHERE pollquestions.qid=pollanswers.qid AND pollquestions.qid=$qid_dbi ORDER BY pollanswers.aid "); $cursor->execute; my($x, $tablestuff) = (0); while (my($question, $answer, $aid) = $cursor->fetchrow) { if ($x == 0) { $tablestuff = < \t $question EOT $tablestuff .= < EOT $x++; } $tablestuff .= qq!
$answer\n!; } my($voters) = sqlSelect('voters', 'pollquestions', " qid=$qid_dbi"); my($comments) = sqlSelect('count(*)', 'comments', " sid=$qid_dbi"); my $sect = "section=$I{currentSection}&" if $I{currentSection}; $tablestuff .= qq!
! . qq![ Results | !; $tablestuff .= qq!Polls ! unless $notable eq 'rh'; $tablestuff .= "Votes:$voters" if $notable eq 'rh'; $tablestuff .= " ]
\n"; $tablestuff .= "Comments:$comments | Votes:$voters\n" if $notable ne 'rh'; $tablestuff .="\n"; $cursor->finish; return $tablestuff if $notable; fancybox($I{fancyboxwidth}, 'Poll', $tablestuff, 'c'); } __CODE_poll_20__ sub pollbooth { my($qid, $no_table, $center) = @_; my $slashdb = getCurrentDB(); my $constants = getCurrentStatic(); $qid = $slashdb->getVar('currentqid', 'value') unless $qid; return "" if $qid eq ""; my $sect = getCurrentUser('currentSection'); my $polls = $slashdb->getPoll($qid); my $pollbooth = slashDisplay('pollbooth', { polls => $polls, question => $polls->[0][0], qid => $qid, voters => $slashdb->getPollQuestion($qid, 'voters'), comments => $slashdb->countCommentsBySid($qid), sect => $sect, }, 1); return $pollbooth if $no_table; fancybox($constants->{fancyboxwidth}, 'Poll', $pollbooth, $center, 1); }